My wife is obsessed with taking pictures of the kids and filming every single second that exists in their life. I used to say it was because she was an alcoholic and needed to take pictures to remember what happened the next day. But until we had the ability to connect the film to the computer is always seemed less magical, it seemed more like I was dick and hated doing shit. I am very vocal and when she was like let's take pictures or say hi to the camera, I would say fuck you and leave me alone "b" word..... Or you could hear me yelling in the background at the children "Sit still, don't touch that, stop hitting your brother, DON'T FUCKEN TOUCH THAT! DON'T FUCKEN DO THAT!" So looking back it really painted me as the bad guy..... Or like a completely fucked up dad....... It was always rather uncomfortable to watch....
Until recently when my wife decides to set our memories to music, and she made this big production out of old family films and pictures, now we look like the perfect family, fucken "Leave It to Beaver". So technology is great for family films it hides the verbal abuse and portrays our life as what seems to be a good time.......
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